My NFT Alerts

How Airdev helped My NFT Alerts build a custom no-code platform on Bubble for NFT holders to track, trade and set personalized floor price alerts
Portfolio tracking app
6 weeks
Rapid user adoption
My NFT Alerts

MY NFT Alerts helps current and potential NFT investors track entire NFT portfolios and news on one single dashboard.

After purchasing his first NFT in November 2021, Pablo Lerdo found himself struggling to stay on top of the prices of his NFTs. Everyday he had to painstakingly visit each NFT’s collection on websites like OpenSea to keep track of his purchases. 

“The only way to stay on top of portfolios in the NFT space was to individually go look at each of the different collections that you own. As I started to talk to other folks, I saw I wasn't the only one who was tracking all the different prices across multiple spreadsheets and different websites. One day, I was looking at my Apple iPhone stocks app to track my traditional investments and that’s when it clicked. I knew I needed a simple app to track everything in the NFT space, like portfolios, market news, and trends.” - Pablo Lerdo, Founder of My NFT Alerts.  

To prove market fit and get product traction fast, Lerdo knew he wanted to build the app with Bubble for its development speed. He had already built an initial MVP for his other startup using Bubble and knew how powerful the tool was, but didn’t have the time to develop the app himself. In January 2022, Lerdo partnered with Airdev to build a custom one-stop-shop platform for NFT holders to track, trade and set personalized floor price alerts for their NFTs.

The results? 

  • 130+ users, including 30+ paid users, signed up on the platform in 4 months
  • Multiple seamlessly integrated APIs syncing real-time data from various NFT sources 
  • Continuous positive feedback from happy users
“I thought that the scoping process was the bread and butter of the whole thing. Once that was done and the actual development started, they knew perfectly what they were doing and what they were building because we had established everything during scoping.”
Pablo Lerdo
My NFT Alerts Founder

The OBJEctive

Lerdo’s goal was to help NFT holders (and the “NFT curious”) better understand activity around their NFT investments in one central location. This included providing real-time information around the investments other people are making, price activity around individual NFTs and collections, and how to know when to get into a new NFT project. 

To fetch the newest NFT information for users, Lerdo’s app needed to link to several outside information sources through APIs. In addition, it would need to offer different features for users to track, trade, create watchlists, and set personalized floor prices and gas alerts available via SMS and email.

However, as the founder of another startup built with Bubble (, Lerdo didn’t have the time to spend learning the complicated new functionality needed to build the app as quickly as he wanted. 

“I knew that if I wanted something out quickly to prove product market fit and get some traction with initial customers, no-code was going to be the way – and I knew instantly that meant Bubble. But I was very busy with my other startup and I was working full-time, too, so I needed Bubble developer services.” - Pablo Lerdo

My NFT Alerts
My NFT Alerts
My NFT Alerts
My NFT Alerts
My NFT Alerts
My NFT Alerts


A professional web app look and design was a big deal to Lerdo – afterall, the goal of his idea was to help people feel more confident and empowered in making NFT investments. To get there, he partnered with Airdev to guarantee that his app would not only be built quickly, but also have a beautiful and simple user experience.  

“Previously, I used Airdev’s Canvas template for Bubble. I felt that they were the highest quality among the other top no-code agencies and developers. So I just knew if I was going to put my development in somebody else's hands, it was just going to be Airdev.” - Pablo Lerdo

Airdev’s approach

Before jumping into development, Airdev’s dedicated project manager spent 1 month aligning Lerdo’s vision to specific features to build into the product roadmap. This included recommendations for how to launch the leanest version of the platform quickly, while still meeting all the needs that would make this app unique and valuable to its users.  

"I knew that if I wanted to build this, it needed to be built perfectly and look good. From the last few years of using Bubble I knew that if I ever was going to hire a no code developer to help me build something quickly that it was going to be Airdev directly.” - Pablo Lerdo

To retrieve information from outside NFT data sources like OpenSea, Etherscan, and NFTPort, Lerdo’s app needed to integrate multiple APIs. Airdev’s team of developers used its proprietary API connector tool to integrate the APIs quickly so that Lerdo’s app could function smoothly.

“Whenever we hit roadblocks around information that we could extract depending on the different endpoints on APIs, my Airdev developer would go out and find new companies that would give us the information that could solve the problem. They really did go above and beyond here.” - Pablo Lerdo


Lerdo was able to bring his web app to market in just 6 weeks. In a 4-month span, he had over 150 users sign up, with over 30 converted paid users, and hit $510 in monthly recurring revenue. In addition, he has received continuous positive feedback from users through Twitter, emails, in person, and in the app.

“I've had so many people reach out and thank me. They've been wanting this for some time and are so happy that this app just alleviated a lot of their pain.” - Pablo Lerdo

Not one to sit around, Lerdo is actively fielding new and outstanding user requests around how to make his app even better. He plans to continue iterating his product with new features over time, leaning on Airdev to accomplish the more complex additions. 

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