Rapid prototyping

Test real products, not clickthrough mockups

Airdev helps innovation & venture studio groups to validate new concepts with ultra-rapid functional prototyping.

An abstract graphics showing a light bulb and modular blocks.

Corporate new ventures

Launch and incubate a startup within an organization using the leanest approach

Innovation portfolios

Run more real experiments each quarter to identify areas to invest in scaling

Talent enablement

Give employee teams the resources to test innovative concepts in venture competitions


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A process to fit yours

Every corporate innovation process is unique, but the use of static mockups and prototypes to test concepts is consistent. We replace this step with functional software that can be tested with real users.


We invest a lot up-front in defining your app’s features and design. Before we break ground on a build, we create a detailed scope doc with descriptions and wireframes. This can come from your existing process, or our PMs can work with you to translate broad requirements into specific solutions that can be built on your timeframe.

1-3 weeks
Product Manager, Senior PM
Formal scope doc


We build in weekly development sprints, each with a concrete deliverable set beforehand. During a build week, we can either collaborate with your team using your system (e.g., scrum) or build using our own methodology while you relax. After each milestone, your PM reviews progress live and collects feedback, so you can make sure everything is going according to plan.

1-5 weeks
PM, Designer, Developer, QA specialist
Fully functional app


Validation processes are often built for testing multiple iterations in order to find the optimal product. Your team can help you scope and implement changes to your prototype anytime to ensure you can respond as quickly as you are learning. The journey is unpredictable, so we give you control of when and how you use your Airdev team to get there.

PM (+ team as needed)
Iterative launches


If your experiments are successful, your functional prototype can be turned into a production app ready for launch. We can connect the app to your company data and launch a live version on your domain. If you choose to rebuild the app using internal resources, any data and logic from the prototype can be used in that process.

PM (+ team as needed)
Live product


A proven difference for innovative companies

By replacing static mockups with functional software, enterprises learn more with less.

the old way
  • Clickthrough mockups
  • Qualitative feedback on static pages
  • Complete rebuild based on learnings
the airdev way
  • Fully functional software products
  • Conversion & usage data from real testing
  • Prototype is ready for deployment as live app
  • Clickthrough mockups
  • Fully functional software products
  • Qualitative feedback on static pages
  • Conversion & usage data from real testing
  • Complete rebuild based on learnings
  • Prototype is ready for deployment as live app


Need to launch a marketplace product fast?

Check out our newest guidebook to see recommended tips and techniques for founders to quickly go from an idea to a sustainable no-code marketplace product.

Get the guide!
Airdev marketplace guide cover


Need to launch a marketplace MVP fast?

Check out our newest guidebook to see recommended tips and techniques for founders to quickly go from an idea to a sustainable no-code marketplace product.

Get the guide!
Airdev marketplace guide cover

Common questions

Can I scale my Bubble-built app?

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Yes. We always design apps to optimize for scale, based on our understanding of the potential features and user behavior our client envisions. The Bubble technology is built to scale, with the ability to upgrade server capacity as needed (including migrating to a dedicated AWS cluster) to service a growing user base. Bubble provides simple dashboards and notifications to track app capacity usage to help you adjust as needed.

What security features does Bubble have?

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Yes. Bubble is built on Amazon Web Services (AWS), which is itself compliant with certifications such as SOC 2, CSA, ISO 27001, and more. All data behind Bubble apps is stored in the cloud using AWS and is generally hosted on AWS West Region (Oregon, US) which maintains a state-of-the-art security infrastructure. Below are more of Bubble’s security features:

  • AWS: All data behind Bubble apps is stored in the cloud using Amazon Web Services (AWS), the industry standard. Data is generally hosted on AWS West Region (Oregon, US) which maintains a state-of-the-art security infrastructure.
  • Encryption: Bubble encrypts all traffic to bubble.is over https, and encourages and supports users to use encryption on their own domains. All user passwords are stored salted + encrypted on Bubble's database; other user data is encrypted at rest (Bubble is on AWS RDS). Note: a more technical Bubble audit report is available upon request.
  • SSL: Bubble apps can add SSL encryption to their own domains under any paid Bubble plan. The default bubble domain includes SSL.
  • Dedicated infrastructure: For large and complex apps, Bubble offers plans with the ability to be on a dedicated AWS cluster (as opposed to shared clusters managed by Bubble), which leads to more reliable performance and greater security.
  • External database support: For projects requiring specific database setups (e.g., using a client’s Azure infrastructure, or a HIPAA-compliant data vault), the Bubble application can be set up to interface with a separate database using API calls. This slows development vs. using Bubble’s internal setup.
  • Logs: Every action that changes data in a Bubble app's database is logged, which enables auditing if needed.
  • Privacy rules: Bubble enables role-based privacy rules for apps, which restrict what data is sent from the servers to the user's hardware. This provides an additional layer of security so that data does not fall into the wrong user's hands.
  • Privacy policy: Bubble's privacy policy can be found at bubble.is/terms. Bubble employees do not have access to view customer data, except when necessary to resolve engineering issues with the platform. Access to customer data is restricted based on job role. Access is periodically audited to prevent abuses.

How much will my no-code app cost to build?

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We price our projects based on how much effort they are going to take. The key factors are how much functionality you're looking to build, how complex the functionality is, and whether you we use our design framework or implement a custom design. Feel free to reach out if you'd like to get a quote for your project, or read more about Airdev’s approach to pricing here

Who owns the IP rights to my application?

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You own the rights to your concept, your application, and all user-generated data created through the app. Airdev retains the ownership of the IP for our predesigned page and element templates that we use across multiple projects. More details on this distinction can be found in the client contract you can review before approving a build.

Is Airdev able to support and extend my application as it grows?

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Yes, you can come back to us at any point after the initial build for additional work. You can request ad-hoc updates or sign up for a monthly plan, which will come with a certain amount of team capacity.

What technology will my application be built on?

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We build on the latest visual programming framework, Bubble, which allows us to build incredibly quickly and flexibly with minimal technical input. This reduces the cost and headache to our clients, and increases app stability out of the gate. Bubble itself is written in CoffeeScript running on Node.js, uses Postgres databases hosted on AWS, and exposes POST or GET APIs for third-party connections. The app can be easily connected to external APIs and the app's database can be easily exported.

What are the limitations? What can you not build?

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There are a few categories of tools that we can't help with:
- Fully native mobile apps (e.g. Whatsapp or Uber) - though web-based mobile apps are supported
- Existing products written in code
- Apps that need to work without an internet connection
If you're not sure whether we can do what you need, we would be happy to help you find out!

Ready to discuss your project with us?